Monday, May 28, 2007

Hills Says Goodbye To Big Windowsills

I'm leaving my house soon, in a long and complicated story. I will lose my lovely windowsills and end up with one window which I believe doesn't get any direct sunlight. Me and my hoyas have loved it here, and we hope we can set up somewhere new with as much light (but maybe a bit more warmth!) very very soon.

1 comment:

christelle said...

Hi Hillary,
I never have time to comment the pictures I post but ask me anything! Most of them are cuttings from Paul Shirley that are now well developed plants. But this year, I bought rooted plants from Ebay (UK,Germany,and France) and also from german seller like Kakteen Haage and also a French one : hodnik. I move all I can outside in the summertime. Hope you're going to like your new home. Bye!